I inherited the Disco Ball
I am still not sure why I inherited the Disco Ball when my mom was relocating from London back to the states.
I am actually not sure why my mom had a Disco Ball, a spinning one no less at her flat in London. And for some reason I have never asked. So, the disco ball has been floating around my house for a few years, homeless. It is a big decision where to hang a disco ball and so far the right spot has not come to me. I thought about giving it away but felt like there is a deeper message to why my mom gave me the Disco Ball and one day that will come to me too. I mentioned in a previous post that I recently relocated my studio and have this great new organized space. I have a rather nondescript center light fixture over head. I was looking at it the other day and had my ah hah moment. Somehow, I have to incorporate the Disco Ball into my studio and attach it to the overhead light. I utilized the resources of my handy husband and we were able to hang the Disco Ball from the finial of the light fixture. I think the disco ball will help me create some really groovy mittens made from recycled wool sweaters. At night if you dim the light and spin the ball you get full on Disco Fever. The lights sparkle and bounce off the wall and make everything spin. I love to listen to loud music and often bust out a dance while I am working and maybe the Disco Ball will help me remember to have fun and dance. Thanks Mom!
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